Please replace our existing vendor
All4Ed - Future Ready Schools
"I think we're being ripped off. Can you take over this project?"
This is an all to common request we receive. The problem typically comes down to a vendor doing a poor job of communicating with their client. Sadly, out of the dozens of times this type of request as come in only once has the vendor fixed the error of their ways.
In this case Future Ready schools hired a software team to build a custom app that allows every school district in the country (over 15,000 of them) to track their progress towards meeting certain goals. Unfortunately, the original vendor thought they were artists and didn't realize they were hired to be plumbers.
The Challenge
Taking over someone else's software project is hard. Taking it over without any documentation is even harder. Thankfully, our team has done this numerous times. In less than a month we took over the existing code, fixed glaring security holes and made it work on mobile devices. Over the next few years we rewrote 90% of the code, added new features and maintained a 99.999% uptime.